Happy Feet - February 3rd, 2023

Some photos of the community helping out during Happy Feet 2023

The frigid February temperatures are the exact reason we hold our annual Happy Feet event at The Detroit Rescue Mission Ministry's Third Street location. This year's Happy Feet was on Friday, February 3, 2023, when Detroit was under the grip of an Artic blast. HUDA Clinic provided medical care, podiatry care, hair cuts, hygiene supplies, socks, and blankets for over 85 men. We would like to acknowledge and thank our community partners for all their assistance in making this the success that it was!

Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries 

Ascension Providence Family Medicine

Dr. Ahmed Dabaja, DPM, and Dr. Devin Munk, DPM

Detroit is My Home for providing soap, deodorant, toothpaste, socks, blankets, and water. You, ladies, are AMAZING!

Aries Rodgers of The Barber Station Detroit

Cannon of Michigan Barber School

Ali Alwaily
Instagram @_alcuts

Ahmed Almohana
Instagram @mohana_cutz

Stylists Devona Malcolm and Stephanie Cooper 

Michigan State Street Medicine

WSU PA School

UDM Dental School for providing oral hygiene kits

U of M Dental School for providing oral hygiene kits

The Musheinesh family for providing socks

To all the Med students and intern volunteers who made this possible! 

A big Thank You to our Outreach member, Gabrielle Costello for organizing this year's event.  Well done!

Some more pictures below: